Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Screw Christmas! (with a joyfully defiant air, not with any anger)

I am happy about this: I have stopped whining and I have decided to hell with the holiday! After getting off work on Thursday, which due to the Christmas party will be a task in itself, I will be free from all Christmas influence!

There are a bunch of errands that I want to take care of around town, so I should have plenty of time to take care of these things on Friday and Saturday. I want to get another blanket before my new couchsurfers arrive, I want to try and find some Christmas presents for people in the U.S., and I want to then get those presents in the mail. Online, I want to refresh myself on the information concerning the FSO Oral Assessment dates, and I want to apply for the Spanish Program. I might do some clothes shopping as well, and get measured for a suit and a nice dress shirt, and I could use another pair or two of professional pants, not to mention a SunYat Sen style jacket (中山装) that I have wanted for a while now. This can wrap this up on Saturday night by going a hop-hop event at YuGongYiShan which Xian Hong has invited me to go to with her.

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