I am so glad to find news that is not related to the mid-term elections in the United States. Even all of my regular foreign and international focused news sources have been running material about the elections.
Other than a new mysterious writer in China, the PRC government trying to throw it's wight around (once again, like an immature schoolyard who has suddenly realized that he is bigger than most of the other kids on the playground) bully to influence European governments and some entertaining multicultural iconic romance, there has been a lot of writing about India recently, presumably due to the upcoming Obama visit. I assume it will made away after Obama leaves south Asia.
I just read that, according to a UN study, the world is now better off since people are, in general, "healthier, richer and better educated than ever before, with most developing countries registering huge gains over the last 40 years." With a more critical perspective, however, a Foreign Policy article on the subject mentions how inequality is still high. Fortunatly, alternatives do exist, even if many of them are a bit idealistic rather then practical, some make a difference.
In what I see as positive news, two fairly bright fellows have made a comparison between China's current state and that of the United States of America in the mid 19th century. I think zooming out to this kind of a big picture is something that Americans (myself included) do not do often enough, but I suspect that it may be a basic part of Chinese culture to look at the bigger picture and interpret things more holistically and with more context.
Okay, so add in a plane nearly crashing into Singapore and a volcano and I guess that more things are happening in the world than just the U.S. mid-term elections.
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